You don’t amass worldwide fame and not fall victim to a little conjecture. The Beatles certainly were on the bad end of a few rumors. Check out three of the strangest, below. 3 of the Strangest Rumors About the Beatles....
1. Paul is Dead
We have to start this list at the natural point: Paul is Dead. It’s one of the most famous rumors about the Fab Four–and possibly the most unbelievable. As the story goes, Paul McCartney died and was replaced by a convincing double. Theorists have pointed to the album cover for Abbey Road–in which the band members’ clothing is reminiscent of a burial–and backwards messages to support their claims. McCartney has denied this rumor, of course. But, then again, can you expect a body double to just come out and tell us the truth…Guess we can’t completely file this one under debunked.
2. John Lennon and the Devil
Countless rock stars have been accused of having a commune with the Devil. That idea was also leveled at John Lennon once upon a time. Those that believe this rumor think Lennon bargained his soul with Satan to garner fame on an unprecedented level. As a result of this, he suffered his tragic fate in 1980. Those that believe, think the Devil came to collect…While we put little stock in this theory, the fame the Beatles enjoyed did seem other worldly. You can hardly blame people for trying to come up with an explanation–no matter how outlandish.
3. John Lennon and the Number Nine
We’re ending our list with a second, more substantiated, Lennon rumor. Lennon found that the number nine popped up in his life often–too often to be coincidence. He wrote songs that included the number, he was born on October 9, he was apart of the band for nine years, he died on Ninth Avenue…Needless to say there is an all but confirmed connection between this number and Lennon. That fact has mystified fans for years.
Source: Hopper