
Piece of wood featuring John Lennon's lyrics to 'Sexy Sadie' up for auction

Friday, September 13, 2013

A piece of wood with John Lennon's original lyrics to 'Sexy Sadie' is being sold at auction. Lennon originally wrote the song in 1968 to attack Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the guru who had introduced the Beatles to Transcendental Meditation. Lennon felt the maharishi had behaved inappropriately towards some of the women traveling with The Beatles and wanted to cash in on the band's endorsement.

As The Times reports, the song's original lyrics opened with the line: "Maharishi what have you done, you’ve made a fool of everyone," causing a rift in the band. George Harrison eventually persuaded Lennon to change the lyrics on the grounds that the maharishi would sue for libel before its appearance on 'The Beatles' (aka 'The White Album').

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Source: NME

Photo Credit: Live Auctioneers

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