Today, a 12-hour session took place for the mixing and editing of various Abbey Road songs in the control room of Abbey Road's Studio Two from 2.30pm-2.30am.
Five stereo mixes were made of Sun King-Mean Mr. Mustard and were numbered mixes 20-24. Maxwell's Silver Hammer's final verse was then mixed in stereo.
Thirteen mixes of Polythene Pam/She Came In Through The Bathroom Window were the next to be made.
The crossfade from You Never Give Me Your Money into Sun King/Mean Mr Mustard was attempted 11 times on this day, which used tape loops assembled by Paul McCartney on 5 August 1969. It was, however, improved on 21 August in a single attempt, which became stereo crossfade mix 12.
During the session John Lennon gave an interview to BBC Radio 1's Kenny Everett for the show Everett Is Here. The interview was broadcast in two parts on 20 and 27 September 1969.
The day ended with the aforementioned edit of two mixes of Maxwell's Silver Hammer, followed by editing of Sun King/Mean Mr Mustard onto Polythene Pam/She Came In Through The Bathroom Window. By 2.30am around half of the Abbey Road medley was complete, with final work on the other songs taking place in the coming days.