
The Beatles - A Day in The Life: October 26, 1964 (Monday)

Studio Two, EMI Studios, London

Another 'rest day' from the tour in which the Beatles did anything but rest. Between 10:00 am and 12:45 pm they attended a mono mix session for "I Don't Want To Spoil The Party", "Rock And Roll Music", "Words Of Love", "Baby's In Black", "I'm A Loser" and "Kansas City"/Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey!".

Then, from 12:45 to 1:05 pm, a mere 20 minutes, they watched George Martin and his team mix "Kansas City"/Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey!" into stereo.

After a long break, they began recording more material for Beatles For Sale, taping five takes of "Honey Don't" between 4:30 and 6:30 pm (the lead vocal role now handed to Ringo) and seven takes (numbered 13-19) of a re-make of "What You're Doing" between 7:30 and 10:00 pm.

This final period of the day also saw the group record all of the material for "Another Beatles Christmas Record", edited together at the end of the evening from five takes, including one solely of marching feet, and compiled into the finished production to be mailed out in December as a flexi-disc to members of the Official Fan Club.

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