
The Beatles - A Day in The Life : Wednesday, October 9, 1963

BBC Paris Studio, London

The BBC radio session was not for a pop programme but for "The Ken Dodd Show", a 30 minute collection of comedy sketches and sound effects starring Liverpulian comedian Ken Dodd - on whose charity bill at the Albany Cinema in Maghull the scarcely known Beatles had inappropriately belted out rock and roll numbers only two years previously.

The Beatles did not participate in any of Dodd's comedy sketches: their sole contribution was to perform the show's one musical interlude, "She Loves You". It was taped in the middle of the programme, before a studio audience at the Paris, between 10:00 and 11:00 pm. (The Beatles had also participated in the rehearsal, from 6:30 pm)

The show was broadcast in the "Light Programme" on Sunday, November 3rd between 2:30 and 3:00 pm (any listener staying tuned to this waveband would have heard the Beatles in the following progamme too, "The Public Ear" and was repeated on Wednesday, November 6th (8:00-8:30 pm) and again on Saturday, February 1, 1964 (1:10-1:40 pm).

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