
Top 25 George Harrison '70s Songs

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Everybody knows how George Harrison started the ’70s: His seven-times platinum international chart-topping triple album All Things Must Pass reeled off the No. 1 “My Sweet Lord” in the wake of the Beatles‘ split.

Less known, though they should be, are underrated later gems like 1976’s Thirty Three & 1/3 and Harrison’s self-titled 1979 album. They spawned a trio of Top 30 hits (“This Song,” “Crackerbox Palace” and “Blow Away”), but will never be as ubiquitous as the triple-album behemoth that began the decade.

In between, Harrison had some highs (1973’s Living in the Material World and its chart-topping single “Give Me Love,” after a guest-packed charity concert and album) and some lows (1975’s decidedly uneven Extra Texture, a plagiarism scandal). The following list of Top 25 George Harrison ’70s Songs aims to put it all in perspective.

Extra Texture even gets a little love. So do a number of deeper cuts that never found their way onto radio playlists or jukeboxes with other Top 40 solo hits like “What Is Life,” “Dark Horse” and “You.” Of course, the 23-song All Things Must Past provided a deep well of material, but his other ’70s LPs yielded their own musical delights, too.

Harrison made an impressive entrance into the next decade with the No. 2 smash “All Those Years Ago,” a 1981 tribute to fallen bandmate John Lennon, but ended up going through a creative dry spell. He’d never be this musically active again.

Source: MSN


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