
Yoko Ono shares John Lennon’s drawings to help the vulnerable in the city he loved

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

An exhibit of drawings by John Lennon will be up in Soho from Oct. 9 to Oct. 14 to raise money for Citymeals-on-Wheels, a local emergency food provider that delivered 64,000 meals to homebound seniors in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy last year.

The exhibit, curated by Yoko Ono, is free to the public, though the gallery asks for a $3 suggested donation at the door for Citymeals-on-Wheels. Over the course of 11 years, Ono has displayed different drawings in New York City for Citymeals-on-Wheels, raising a grand total of more than $160,000. Ono said people initially balked at showing Lennon’s artwork years ago, likely because they only saw him as a musician. But Ono pointed out Lennon started as a painter and a visual artist.

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Source: Metro

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